Join our Staff Appreciation Week Committee!

2/10/2025 10:43 am


Staff Appreciation Chair, Lizeth Bejarano, has been organizing Staff Appreciation Week (SAW) for the past two years and will need 2-4 committee members to join her this year. She is a 5th-grade parent and will need to pass the baton to younger McKinley families as she can no longer handle this on her own, especially with 5th-grade events happening around the same time! Lizeth will walk you through everything to ensure a smooth process.


We are scaling down this year with a "less is more/quality over quantity" approach. Remember that this is a special week (May 5-9) where we get to spoil our wonderful McKinley staff and teachers, who take care of our children every single day.

Here is a list of "jobs" that are needed:

  • Event planner - oversee and organize the week's events and put together a schedule. This will be done in conjunction with Lizeth.

  • Volunteer coordinator - Update SignUp Genius Link to reflect this year (there is an existing list that can be copied over, no need to reinvent the wheel) and make sure volunteers are where they need to be on the day of.

  • Party Supplies Coordinator - Make sure there is a box of items ready for the following day (think of this as having everything you need for a party in one box, table cloths, napkins, utensils, platters, etc)

  • Sponsor Outreach - reach out to a few local vendors to see if they can donate food for the week (e.g. GroundWork, Starbucks, Bagel Nosh, Randy's Donuts). We already have a relationship with these vendors and are always willing to help.

  • Decorations Coordinator - Organize people to decorate 2 bulletin boards; create daily SAW flyers; organize parents to have their kids make appreciation posters and post throughout campus.

  • Room Parent Coordinator - direct room parents on coordinated, daily activities for students to show appreciation for their respective teachers. We have lots of easy and simple ideas for this one!

  • Raffle Coordinator - collect monetary donations to create a raffle list and reach out to local businesses to see if they will donate any items. We have a list of businesses and their contact info.

There will be a sign up genius that will be distributed closer to the date to help with smaller things throughout the week, but if you can help in ANY capacity with the organizing of the event, please reach out to Lizeth at